How many categories of people do you interact with on a daily basis?
That’s a weird question. Let me back up by explaining what I mean by categories.
Here are a few different categories of people:
- coworker
- stranger
- family member
- romantic partner
- acquaintance
- friend
- best friend
I’m sure there are some that I’m missing, but you get the gist.
Now, I’ll go back to the original question. On an average day, how many of these categories are you interacting with?
Recent research is showing us that the higher number of categories you interact with, the better off you feel! I’m not lying – you can read the research here.
Assessing the social interactions and happiness of over 50,000 people reveals that interacting with a more diverse set of relationship types predicts higher well-being. PNAS
I always thought it was just me when I recognized I felt better after talking to a stranger, but this study tells me that I’m not alone.
And the communication doesn’t have to be in-person.
Yes, face-to-face communication is proven to have richer rewards, but the positive impact of reaching out extends to digital mediums as well.
So take this as an encouragement to go out there and talk to as many categories as you can, EACH DAY!
Make it a priority to ask how your cashier is doing, to check in with a family member, to send a quick text to a friend.
Not only will this improve your wellbeing, it will also leave you feeling more connected to those around you.